국준원 의학/공학
소속    : 아주대학교의료원 주관심분야   : Bio-friendly material , Drug delivery system , Antibacterial and Antiviral material 이메일    : kukjw83@hanmail.net
학력   : Mar. 2012 – Aug. 2017 Ph.D. in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering(Graduated) Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea Dissertation Title: Novel Encapsulation Process for Polymeric Core/Shell Nanoparticles Containing peculiar Core Materials Major Advisor: Prof. Kim, Jung-Hyun Mar. 2007 – Aug. 2011 B.S. in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering School of Chemical Engineering Korea University, Seoul, Korea 경력   : 논문   : @2022 1. Yongsoo Kim, Hyuk Jun Kwon, Jun-Won Kook, Jae Jung Park, Chanmin Lee, Won-Gun Koh, Kiseob Hwang and Jun-Young-Lee, “Wetting properties and morphological behavior of core-shell polymer-based nanoparticle coatings”, Progress in Organic Coatings 163, (2022), 106606 @2021 2. Jun-Won Kook, Kiseob Hwang, and Jun-Young Lee, “Effect of the PSSMA Content on the Heat Transfer Performances of Polyurea Nano-encapsulated Phase Change Materials”, Materials, 14, 12, 3157 (2021) @2020 3. Jae Jung Park, Yongsoo Kim, Chanmin Lee, Jun-Won Kook, Donghyun Kim, Jung-Hyun Kim, Ki-Seob Hwang, and Jun-Young Lee, “Colorimetric Visualization Using Polymeric Core-Shell Nanoparticles: Enhanced Sensitivity for Formaldehyde Gas Sensors”, Polymers, 12, (2020) 998 4. Hyuk Jun Kwon, Chanmin Lee, Jun-Won Kook, Jung Hyun Kim, Kiseob Hwang, Jun-Young-Lee, “Amine functionalized Wheat Bran Husk as Bio-based Organic Adsorbent for Low-density polyethylene composite of Carbon Dioxide capture”, Macromolecular Research, 28, 13, (2020), 1289-1296 5. Jae Jung Park, Yongsoo Kim, Chanmin Lee, Jun-Won Kook, Donghyun Kim, Jung-Hyun Kim, Ki-Seob Hwang, and Jun-Young Lee, “PSMA/PEI Core-Shell Nanoparticles with pH indicator for Colorimetric CO2 Gas Detection”, Polymer(Korea), 44, 5, (2020), 664-671 @2018 6. Jun-Won Kook, Yongsoo Kim, Kiseob Hwang, Jung Hyun Kim, and Jun-Young Lee, Synthesis of poly(methyl methaceylate-co-butyl acrylate)/perfluorosilyl methacrylate core-shell nanoparticles: Novel approach for optimization of coating process, Polymers, 10, (2018) 1186 @2016 7. Jun-Won Kook, Jiyoung Lee, Kiseob Hwang, In Park, Jung Hyun Kim, and Jun-Young Lee, Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(Methyl Methacrylate)/Polyethyleneimine Grafting Core-Shell Nanoparticles for CO2 Adsorption Using Soap-Free Emulsion Copolymerization, Advances in Materials Physics and Chemistry, 6, (2016) 220-226 8. Wonseok Cho, Jun-Won Kook, Seung Mo Lee, Won-Gun Koh, and Jung Hyun Kim, Modification of Heat Storage Ability and Adhesive Properties of Core/Shell Structured Phase Change Material Nanocapsules, Macromolecular Research, 24, (2016) 556-561 9. Jun-Won Kook, Soyeon Kim, Jun-Young Lee, and Jung Hyun Kim, Synthesis of curcumin/polyrhodanine nanocapsules with antimicrobial properties by oxidative polymerization using the Fenton reaction, Reactive and Functional Polymers, 109 (2016) 125-130 @2015 10. Jun-Won Kook, Wonseok Cho, Won-Gun Koh, In Woo Cheong, and Jung Hyun Kim, Preparation and Characterization of octadecane/polyurea nanocapsules-embedded poly(ethylene oxide) nanofibers, Journal of applied polymer science, 132 (2015) 11149-11154
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